Monday, February 2, 2009

We're Engaged!

So Peter and I have been dating for over 3 years and we've talked about getting married a lot. In fact, we (aka I) really wanted to get engaged sometime in 2009. Knowing Peter I thought that would mean getting engaged in Nov or Jan. To my surprise, Peter popped the question Saturday, January 31, 2009! (Justin Timberlakes Bday too haha).

Peter's Mom had apparently told him about her engagement ring/wedding band that she no longer wears b/c she has a new ring. She told him that he could have it if he planned on marrying me. So Peter has known this for a while and then over Christmas, he asked his Mom for it. Then, when his parents were in town (LA) they went out to breakfast (this Thursday) and he told them his plan of proposing on Saturday.

Saturday we went to visit his grandparents and parents in Coronado where they live. Peter and I went to the beach like usual and when we got there he blindfolded me with my sleep mask that he stole and i was like ok... I thought he might do it but I didn't want to assume so I was trying to think of other things it could be. But I did think, "This could be it!" Then when I opened my eyes he was on one knee and the song "Even though we aint got money...." was playing from his ipod speakers and he said "Ashlea Elizabeth Shelton will you marry me THIS SUMMER?!" I said yes and we were crying and shaking and hugging and laughing and I kept being like is this for real? Then we called everyone while running around on the beach and then went back and celebrated with his family by going out to lunch on the tugboat and having dinner, etc. My grandparents were able to stop by which was so amazing. I was so happy but I was also sad that my family (especially my mom) wasn't there to share it with us.

So that's where we stand now. I might set up a wedding website or whatever they're called if its worth it. But for now, here is the link to some pictures that are posted on facebook.

We are so excited to begin our life together!

Love you all!