I am starting to feel totally stressed out, now that there is only a week until school starts. I have professional development all week with the whole staff. Before I get into this coming week I'll recap last week (some of which is blogged about on Peter's blog).
Monday I had a planning meeting at CHIME (that's the name of my school btw) where we drafting a plan of the first week of school. Mostly we will be introducing rules, routines, games, etc., but I still have things I need to prepare. Afterwards Peter and I went to a free Gym Class Heroes Concert that was being taped for Walmart. It was short but really intimate and we were able to get all of the members to sign our T-Shirts (pic of Peter's shirt on his blog, mine soon to come.) Then we probably watched a movie or something. (Probably also on Peter's blog.)
Tuesday I got my LiveScan fingerprints done and went shopping for my classroom. I ended up spending $350-$400 total to start my first classroom but CHIME is paying for $200 which is supernice. I seriously thought I was going to have to spend so much more, but my mentor teachers have given me a lot over year to help me start off on the right food. Thanks Beth and Kellie!
Wednesday and Thursday I had new teacher orientation. There are 7 new teachers at the elementary school and we are all young and most first year teachers. I have met a lot of cool girls who I hope to become really close with over the school year. I am going to Shira's housewarming party on Friday and a lot of other teachers and their significant others are coming too so it should be really fun and an easy way to get to know each other. I need to make sure that I actually try to make girl friends in addition to guy friends since I tend to hang out with guys all the time. It is good to have girls too and I need to keep reminding myself of that.
Also during orientation I learned a lot about CHIME and it is seriously such an awesome school. I am in love with my Principal, Julie, she is so amazing. I am excited that the staff is really 100% about the students and everyone does whatever needs to be done for the kids. If you don't know, I am going to be teaching 1st grade but will also be co-teaching with a special educator and working with paraprofessionals for students with disabilities in my classroom. In addition to that I will also be co-teaching with the music and art teachers and I will be fully in charge of PE and Technology. This is really unusual for public schools (at least ones I know of) but I am up for the challenge. We also have an outdoor classroom where students and teachers plant plants, herbs, fruits, veggies, etc. We also have a weather station that is hooked to some satellite so you can track the weather, make graphs, etc. There is also an awesome place to sit and teach outside. Students also plant tree saplings (is that redundant?) to replant in LA to help with the trees that have been burned by wildfires or uprooted for whatever reason. I could go on forever, but I am just in love with my school! I'm so happy that I am because I didn't know a whole lot about it when I accepted the job.
Friday Madeleine came to visit and Peter, Maddy, and I hung by my pool then met up with Elizabeth's crew in Eagle Rock to go out to this bar/karaoke/bowling place that I have been dying to go to. It was super fun and Peter and I sang karaoke 3 times. We were obviously horrible but it was really fun and we were really into it.
Saturday was kind of a lazy day and Peter and I saw Tropic Thunder which was pretty good. Later we went to Elizabeth's to hang out with her and Maddy and stayed there for just a little bit because everyone was so tired.
Finally, today Peter and I went to church then we met Maddy, Elizabeth, Emma, and Amelia at Venice beach. We had lunch there and basked in the sun. It was a good time and I think I am actually making friends, yay! Then we said bye bye to Madz b/c she is leaving for San Diego tomorrow.
Speaking of tomorrow, I begin professional development this week (like I previously mentioned...) and I will finish preparing my classroom and prepping for the first week of school. I will also have my first parent meeting and attend a back-to-school picnic Thursday afternoon. Also on Tuesday Peter and I are going to see my cousin Andy play in his band at some place I can never remember the name. And Friday of course is the apartment warming party. Over Labor Day weekend Peter and I will most likely hang with Elizabeth again and hopefully visit my family friends Erica and Kenny Messer and their 2 kids. (Erica works on Criminal Minds.)
Wow that was a superlong post but I have been really busy. I am so nervous/excited for school to start. Keep me in your prayers and I complete my last stressful week before the big day!