speaking of pete, click on his blog's link at the bottom of my page to read very important information!
so far, november has been nice. Yay Obama! I am seriously excited that we elected an African American president. that is awesome. last week i went to a bbq at lisa's. it was a lot of fun and she made delicious food. the next day was veterans day so we were able to party during the week which rarely happens. on veterans day pete and i bought a wii! we are so excited and have been playing mario party a lot.
also a week ago yesterday, peter and i got (non-matching) tattoos. mine is of my nieces names and peter's is of the state of maryland. check out below for some blurry pics. we both love them a lot. this week will be pretty chill and then over the weekend, peter and i are going to visit my grandparents in san diego. after that, i have 1 1/2 days of school then i'm off for thanksgiving break. over the break peter and i will celebrate our 3 year anniversary and go to chicago to spend thanksgiving with his family. we're both siced for both. after that it will be december and i will be coming home!
can't wait to visit, its going to be a great 2 weeks.
in case you were wondering peter and i are safe; regarding the wildfires. we're pretty much surrounded by them but none are really close. the fires make the skies look really crazy/pretty but it smells. i kind of like how it smells; like great bbq but at the same time it can be overwhelming. yesterday when we were leaving the beach is was snowing weird. anyhow, we'll keep you posted.
love you all

my left wrist

peter's right forearm, near his "Cheverly" tattoo

the picture collage in my room. needs more pics though.

the LA letters kel gave me for graduation

black and green
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