Sunday, January 31, 2010


so january went by quickly.

school is going well as always. we have parent-teacher conferences coming up soon and everything else is about the same. on thursday we are going to a field trip to the CA science center which i organized and i hope goes well.

Summer is almost 8 months old now and is going through her "adolescence" stage. basically she's just barking and biting in the midst of serious smelling, snuggling, and chewing on her bones till they get super slimy.

there has been some sad news regarding my aunt michelle and her babies so that has been hard on the family but everyone is holding up the best they can.

we're happy that the week of rain is over and that it is starting to warm up and get sunny out. pete and i will be home for his bday over valentines day weekend (the 11th-15th to be exact) and we will experience the cold again. mom said that they just got another 10 inches of snow. so crazy.

pete and i celebrated our 6 month wedding anniversary last tuesday by eating delicious food at red lobster and pinkberry. it is weird to be married for 6 months. it feels like it has been a long time but it also feels like we just got married at the same time. also today is another anniversary - peter proposed to me in coronado 1 year ago today. what a monumental event in our lives. it was seriously one of the best things that ever happened to me.

excited for february; i think it will go by quickly as well then it will be almost spring. we'll be back in md soon so i'll see everyone then.


Sunday, January 10, 2010


Its 2010 and one of my new year's resolutions is to start blogging more.

Its also been a very long time since I posted (since right after wedding and honeymoon) so if you want a recap read Pete's Blog. There's a link at the bottom.

So basically The school year started and is almost half way over! Its going really well this year. Last year was manageable but this year is even smoother. I'm working with two new teachers this year in 1st grade and I really like them a lot. Also another 1st grade team member just went on maternity leave. She adopted a beautiful baby girl named Ella.

So I've been working and just enjoying spending time with Pete and Summer. We have done a lot together and just recently had trips to Vegas for Halloween in Dog-Tober, San Diego for Thanksgiving, and to Nashville and MD for Christmas and New Years. Summer is so much bigger now than when I posted last. She's a good girl and definitely part of the family. We like going to dog parks with Sums and also sometimes with Maddy and her dog Pancakes b/c they live here now too!

Besides some complications with my Aunt's pregnancy which we are continuing to pray for - everything is going wonderfully. Our trips have been awesome and so has our time at home. While you were reading I hope you clicked on the links b/c they link to photo albums from facebook of things we have done recently.

I hope you continue to read my blog and I hope to continue to post this year in 2010!
